ADA for Warriors

Post Date: 2022-01-28 00:00:00 +0000

We’re excited to announce that our Cardano pool has been re-branded to better reflect the mission that it supports.

Initially our pool was named after our small business, Swift Crypto LLC. Our focus was on securing the right hardware, hardening the servers, and tweaking the OS settings to make sure our pool servers were running smoothly 24/7. Marketing was done through various social media posts, but it became apparent that something was missing. What was missing, was the “hook”.

The original pool name didn’t give a person any idea about what the pool supports. In order for us to support the Third Option Foundation’s mission, we have to give people a reason to take a deeper look. We need people to read the name and want to learn more about it. We want to attract like-minded individuals who understand the sacrifices that are made and want to make a difference in this community.

With that, the “Swift Crypto LLC” pool has been renamed to ADA for Warriors. The ‘4WARD’ ticker will remain the same, as our goal is to help members of this community, and their families, move forward through their troubled times. We truly hope this change will be the start of a new growth opportunity for this mission.

If you have questions or want to know how you can help the Third Option Foundation directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us via one of our social media links in the Contact section!


If you are interested in crypto-mining or delegating with us and want to learn more, please reach out!